XYY Karyotype

At 12 weeks we got a call about our Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), it came back positive for Jacob's syndrome or 47XYY. We are now starting the journey that we don't know how it will end. This site is to document what we learn and our experience for the next parents out there who get this same call.

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Meet Logan

Born a little early at 36 weeks and 5 days, Logan was a healthy 7lbs 9oz. Absolutely nothing wrong with him at all. He is perfect.


Tony: Congratulations?

So…. It was going to be a very different post. Plastered over Social Media. Simply a post of a few photos of Luke reading a new book or him in his new shirt. The idea was you would be like.. wait, what did that say?


Claudine: There goes our announcement!

We were ready to announce, then we got a call that there was a flag on the prenatal genetic screening